Emergency Medical Services to Firefighter Bridge Program

The EMS to Firefighter Bridge Program is an intense, physically and mentally demanding program designed to educate and evaluate EMS members wishing to be cleared to safely function as firefighters.  Members that meet the required pre-requisites and who are prepared to commit the time and effort needed to be successful in the program are encouraged to submit an interest card.  Candidates will be notified when the registration window opens.

Candidates accepted into the course attend the two-week program while on-duty.

Candidates must possess the following prerequisites to be considered for the EMS to Firefighter Bridge Process:

  • Firefighter II (MFSPQB, NBFSPQ, IFSAC or DoD-IFSAC certification)
  • Applicant must have a current Form 503 on file
  • Recommendation by the candidate's station officer and Battalion or Deputy Chief.

Preparing for the Bridge Program
Candidates must be physically fit and mentally prepared prior to the start of the program. Upon downloading the EMS to FF In-Station Packet  the candidate can utilize this packet to hone in on their skills.  We ask that any signatures, signifying a completion of skills be within 365 days from the first day of the bridge in which you are enrolled. This packet must be completed in its entirety in order for an individual to be able to participate in the program.  Officers shall not sign off on any skills not completed.  Additionally, candidates will be tested on the skills listed below on the first day of the program.  A candidate will have one same-day retest attempt for each skill (no remediation will be provided by the Bridge Cadre).  If the candidate is unsuccessful on a retest attempt for either skill they will be immediately dismissed from the program and returned to their field assignment.

Failing Any Portion of the Program
All candidates must actively participate in all aspects of the program.  The performance and physical output of the candidates are constantly monitored and evaluated by the Cadre.  No sessions may be missed for any reason.  Time constraints do not permit the Cadre to re-teach basic firefighter skills or make-up missed sessions.  Candidates who are unable to safely perform, and/or require medical intervention at any point in the program may be immediately dismissed.  These candidates are eligible to reapply for future bridge offerings.

Registering for the Bridge Program
To register for an upcoming EMS to FF Bridge Program, please visit the Training Classes page and have your Station Officer complete the registration.