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Truck Turn-In Procedures
Completion of the Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator (FADO) Truck Turn-In through the Fire-Rescue Academy will allow the candidate to drive all ladder trucks in the department fleet. The turn-in consists of six (6) skill stations and a road course. Station officers should work with personnel to ensure that those individuals driving specialized units are familiar with their operation.
Candidates must possess the following prerequisites to be considered for the Truck Turn-In:
- MFRI Emergency Vehicle Operator Course (FIRE-130)
- MFRI Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator (FIRE-114)
- Firefighter II (MFSPQB, NBFSPQ, IFSAC or DoD-IFSAC certification)
MFSPQB Skills Sheets
MFSPQB FADO - Aerial Skills Checklist (PDF)
MFSPQB FADO - Tiller Skills Checklist (PDF)
(These checklists need to be completed in blue or any contrasting ink - not black)
Evaluation and Turn-In
On the day of testing, the applicant must bring with them a completed In-Station Skills Packet and the FADO Truck Turn In Checklist items for review by the evaluator. The In-Station Skills Packet is distributed by the FRA upon submission of a request. Applicants should review the Sample FADO Truck Turn Skill Cards (PDF) to prepare for the evaluation prior to scheduling. The test will consist of the six skills cards as well as an on-road test. Once the individual is ready for a turn-in, the station officer should complete a Driver Turn-In Request.
Turn In Completion Time Requirements
All candidates shall complete all indicated requirements and tasks including the evaluation and should not exceed one calendar year.
Failure of Skill Cards
Please refer to the EVO Re-Testing Guidelines page for more information.