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Fire-Rescue 'Academy Status' Training Opportunities
The Baltimore County Fire-Rescue Academy offers a number of training opportunities. Entering information into this site constitutes a pre-registration. You can expect a SEATING CONFIRMATION email from the FRA once you are confirmed and seated in the respective class. If you do not receive this email from the FRA, you are not officially enrolled. Walk-in registrations are NOT permitted. At no time should a student expect to be seated without a SEATING CONFIRMATION email prior to the actual start date of the class. Class registrations for Academy Status training courses will close two weeks prior to the start of the class.
For classes offered through the Maryland Fire Rescue Institute (MFRI) you are required to complete two registrations (one with the FRA and one with MFRI). You will know if it is a MFRI class because once you hit the submit button at the end of the FRA form you will be presented with a link that states: CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE REGISTRATION. You must click on that phrase and fill out the SECOND form to complete the process. You will have to enter your information a second time on the MFRI website to complete your pre-registration. If you haven't entered your information twice, your registration is incomplete and will not be valid. You will know if you registered twice because you will receive an email from the FRA and MFRI.
Additionally, Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI) offers classes that are not hosted by the FRA. If you do not see your class listed below, please visit the MFRI website. The FRA does not accept or process MFRI / state sponsored (S-course numbered) class registrations through this site . Applications for these classes must be completed through MFRI's website.
Please call Kathy Liddick at the FRA if you have further registration questions.
Medical Clearance
All career or volunteer members wishing to take the classes below must obtain medical clearance for acceptance into the class. Career members must have a current Form 503 on file with the Fire Department's Bureau of Health & Safety. Volunteer members must have a current ENTRY level Appendix A on file.
- Firefighter I and Firefighter II
- Firefighter Survival and Rescue
- Hazardous Materials Technician
- Confined Space Rescue
- Swiftwater Rescue
FEMA Student Identification Number
Some courses which are funded by federal grants require the student to obtain a Student Identification Number (SID) for use on the National Fire Academy (NFA) form at the time of registration. All students should ensure they have their SID by visiting the FEMA SID Registration and Management System and following the links on the right side of the screen to register, update information, obtain a forgotten SID, or reset a password. Please have your FEMA SID Number available before registering for any training class.
Online Incident Command/Management System Courses
ICS 100: Introduction to ICS for Operational First Responders (NFA Q0462)
ICS 200: Basic NIMS ICS for Operational First Responders (NFA Q0463)
IS 700.B: National Incident Management System: An Introduction (FEMA EMI)
IS 800.C: National Response Framework: An Introduction (FEMA EMI)
Fire-Rescue Academy Course Schedule and Registration
Register | EMS In-Service | Fire Rescue Academy - Stevenson Greenspring 1525 Greenspring Valley Road Manuszack Building - Room 223 Stevenson, MD 21153" | Various | 0800 - 1600 hours |
Register | Incident Safety Officer | Upperco Volunteer Fire Company 5500 Fringer Road Upperco, MD 21155 | 04/24/2025 to 05/29/2025 Mondays & Thursdays | 1800 - 2100 hours |
Register | Fire Officer I | White Marsh Volunteer Fire Company 10331 Philadelphia Road White Marsh, MD 21162 | 04/28/2025 to 06/02/2025 Monday, Wednesday & Saturday | 1900 - 2200 hours |
Register | Lessons in Resilience | Fire Rescue Academy - Greenspring Stevenson 1525 Greenspring Valley Road Dawson Center AC 10 Stevenson, MD 21153 | 04/10/2025 | 1900 - 2200 hours |
Register | Cadaver Lab | Gifts of Anatomy 7522 Connelley Drive Suite M Hanover, MD 21076 | 05/02/2025 OR 05/06/2025 | 0800 - 1400 hours |
Register | EMS Week Symposium | Fire Rescue Academy - Stevenson Greenspring 1525 Greenspring Valley Road Dawson Center AC-12 Stevenson, MD 21153 | 05/10/2025 OR 05/22/2025 | 0800 - 1600 hours |